Dried Sea Cucumber 2019-04-08T20:55:41+00:00

Dried Sea Cucumber

Dried Sea Cucumber of Canadian Origin

Common Name: Sea cucumber


Origin: Canada and U.S.A

Presentation: Dried skin, without meat

Processing: Cooked from live animal, clean, unsalted, and dried

Size: Approximately 54 to 140 pieces per kilogram


  • Medium: In average sizes of 110 to 140 pieces per kilogram
  • Large: In average sizes of 54 to 56 pieces per kilogram

Dryness: 90 to 95 percent

Packing: In 23 kilogram (50 lb.) polypropylene bags

Dried Sea Cucumber of Turkish Origin

Common Name: Dried Sea Cucumber


Origin: Turkey

Presentation: Gutted, cleaned, calcium removed, cooked, and sun dried

Size: Approximately 160 pieces per kilogram and in average length of 3 cm to 9 cm per piece


  • Medium: In average sizes of 110 to 140 pieces per kilogram
  • Large: In average sizes of 54 to 56 pieces per kilogram

Dryness: 95% to 97%

Packing: Five (5) kilogram polypropylene bag with four (4) bags per master carton of 20 kilogram